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602-920-375810701 W Hatfield rd. Sun City Arizona 85373Monday-Friday 6am-4pm   Saturday 7am-1pm
We stock and deliver landscape rock, boulders, rip rap, mulch, sand, abc, 1/4" minus and many other landscaping products

Sizing Chart

Keep in mind that all rock will need to be rinsed after install and that over time the fines (smaller debris) will work down to the bottom while the larger stuff will stay up top.

FINES: a mixture of smaller particles in various sizes.

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Sizing Chart
Rip Rap typically comes in a 3-6” or a 3-8” and will contain up to 50 percent fines. This size is great for erosion control and is commonly used for cosmetic purposes such as filling gabion baskets, making borders and creating dry river beds.
Sizing Chart
1” screened will contain somewhere between 30-50 percent fines. The 1” screened is the larger of the two most common sizes used for landscaping a yard. Some things you may want to consider when making a decision on size, the 1” will typically hold up better, deplete less over time, and won't get shoved/kicked/blown around as easy.
Sizing Chart
1/2” screened will contain somewhere between 30-50 percent fines. The 1/2” screened is the smaller of the two most common sizes used for landscaping a yard. Some things you may want to consider when making a decision on size, the 1/2” will spread further, easier, and be more gentle to walk on.
Sizing Chart
1/4” minus will contain up to 70 percent fines. This size is great for compaction and is commonly used to create a good base/foundation.

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Monday-Friday 6am-4pm
Saturday 7am-1pm
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