10701 W Hatfield rd. Sun City Arizona 85373
Monday-Friday 6am-4pm Saturday 7am-1pm
Landscaping Products in Arizona
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Landscape Rock
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We stock and deliver landscape rock, boulders, rip rap, mulch, sand, abc, 1/4" minus and many other landscaping products
Contractor Deliveries
Contractor Deliveries
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- required fields.
I understand that any rock that I purchase is a naturally mined product and there will be size/color variations on a load to load basis. The new rock that I'm purchasing may not match up (color/size) w existing rock that my clients may already have. Carso Landscape Supply has no control over size/color variations.
I understand that any rock we purchase is screened but will contain up to 50 percent fines. Fines are smaller particles that range from slightly smaller pieces of rock, all the way down to dirt/dust. Carso Landscape Supply has no control over the amount of fines a product has.
I understand that any time I ask for the material to be placed inside any curb line/on my client's property, Carso Landscape Supply and/or its agents will not be responsible/liable for any damage that may occur. This includes but is not limited to the damage done to my client's driveway, curbing, underground utilities(irrigation/water lines), above-ground utilities (power lines/telephone wires), fencing, walls, plants, roof or anything else that is on/around my client's property. I accept full responsibility for any unforeseen damages that may occur on any of my jobs.
I accept full responsibility for any rock that I order after it's delivered. Carso Landscape Supply will never be liable for any problems that may arise from any material after it's delivered from the date listed below moving forward. This includes but is not limited to HOA fines, tickets/fines from local municipalities, damaged vehicles (motorized vehicles crashing into piles), people/kids hurt from playing on/around the material.
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We Provide Services to the Following Cities, Towns and Surrounding Regions of AZ:
Sun City, AZ
Surprise, AZ
Buckeye, AZ
Glendale, AZ
Waddell, AZ
Phoenix, AZ
Goodyear, AZ
Scottsdale, AZ
Paradise Valley, AZ
Monday-Friday 6am-4pm
Saturday 7am-1pm
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